Feedly Kills Google Reader and Most News Readers
Feedly, the new Firefox addon is absolutely fantastic. Admittedly, I'm still trying to figure out how this beast works, but it is so easy to use, fast, powerful that it is most surely a game changer in the news reading world. Feedly has quickly become my default start or home page.
Just recently heard about Google Fast Flip from the TC50 conference. Tried it and just don't get it. I use Netflix and wirelessly download their movies and TV shows to my tv through Wifi. Ocassionally I visit Netflix.com and browse through movie and tv show title looking for good content. Interesting that I cannot do that from my TIVO interface on my tv, but that's another story.
The point is that when searching through massive amounts of data pictures have no meaning. Text is easier to browse quickly and determine what is relevant and what is not interesting. Try it. Search on Google images or Netflix and try to decipher meaning form the images alone. Then begin focusing on the text alone ignoring the images.
Google Fast Flip sucks in my opinion and Feedly is going to be the aggregator of choice. I've been looking for a home page/start page service like this and thinking about this very interface for months. Feed readers never took off because the user interface was terrible.
Watch for feedly to gain mass adoption in 2nd qtr of 2010. The limiting factor is that this is a firefox addon and is not available, as far as I know, for IE or Safari.
I'm going to continue my deep dive into the guts of this beast and see what I can find.
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